
Term Bedeutung
ARP Address Resolution Protocol
BDPU Bridge Protocol Data Unit
BGP Border Gateway Protocol
DHCP Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol
DNS Domain Name System
EGP Exterior Gateway Protocol
FLP Fast-Link Pulses
FTP File Transfer Protocol
HSR High Availability Seamless Redundancy
IANA Internet Assigned Numbers Authority
ICMP Internet Control Message Protocol
IEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
IETF Internet Engineering Task Force
IHL Internet Header Lenght
IP Internet Protocol
IS-ES Intermediate System - End System
IS-IS Intermediate System - Intermediate System
ISOC Internet Society
ISO International Standards Organisation
LLC Logical Link Control
LLDP Link Layer Discovery Protocol
LSB Least Significant Bit
MAC Media Access Control
MDI Medium Dependent Interface
MII Media Independent Interface
MIME Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions
MSB Most Significant Bit
MSS Maximum Segment Size
MTU Maximum Transfer Unit
NCC Network Coordination Centre
NLP Normal-Link Pulses
OSI Open Systems Interconnection
OSPF Open Shortest Path First
PRP Parallel Redundancy Protocol
RARP Reverse ARP
RFC Request for Comments
RIPE Réseaux IP Européens Network Coordination
RIP Routing Information Protocol
RIR Regional Internet Registries
RTO Retransmission Timeout
RTT Round-Trip Time
SACK Selective Acknowledge
SMTP Simple Mail Transfer Protocol
SNAP Sub-Network Access Protocol
SRTT Smoothed RTT
SSH Secure Shell
SSL Secure Sockets Layer
STP Spanning Tree Protocol
TCB Transmission Control Block
TCP Transmission Control Protocol
TFPT Trivial FTP
TSL Transport Layer Security
TTL Time To Live
UDP User Datagram Protocol

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